
Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

Look Ma! Programmable Lights!

One of the things I love about renovations and general fixups is finding out what's possible. In an ideal world, we wanted to put our garage lights on a timer, to have them go on and off while we're away so it looks like somebody's around. I thought you could only get timers for freestanding lights that come with a plug (what do they call those…lamps?), but it turns out you can get them for wall switches too. The tiny programming buttons, which can only be programmed by tiny fingers, are under the display panel on the left, hiding behind the plastic. Will wonders never cease.

PC131161 (Medium)

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Creative outlets

OK, they're not creative outlets, but they ARE now up to code (thanks A!). The building inspector told us all of the regular electrical outlets by the sinks needed to be replaced throughout the house with special outlets called GFCIs. GFCI stands for Ground Circult Fault Interrupters, and these things are designed to almost instantaneously cut the flow of electricity to the outlet when there's a deviation in the current flow. Yes, it's true: we can finally make toast while having a bath.

PB221043 (Medium)

(Photo: New GFCI electrial outlet glowing green with happiness)

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